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CodeRush Training window

August 16th, 2010

The CodeRush Training tool window shows you features that can be used while the cursor is at the current position. The tool window shows you features that can be used while the cursor is at the current position, e.g. it can list available templates, refactorings, selection and navigation features, and others. If a feature can be accessed via a shortcut, this shortcut is shown beside the feature. The window can be accessed via the DevExpress | Tool Windows | CodeRush menu item in your IDE.

For instance, if the cursor is anywhere within a class, the tool window will list all templates available for the current context:

IDETools CodeRush tool window

Otherwise, if you have certain code selected, you’ll get features to work with selections:

IDETools CodeRush tool window

If a caret is on a method name, you’ll see the list of refactorings available:

IDETools CodeRush tool window

Note: the window is context-sensitive, so it may decrease performance a bit while working in Visual Studio code editor.

Products: CodeRush Pro
Versions: 9.1 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: Sep/26/2010
ID: C016

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