



縣市地區:屏東縣 > 恆春鎮




★→立刻訂房 ? 為自己來一趟墾丁之旅吧~→http://www.cape42kt.com/room/

 This itinerary is prepared for people who simply want to calm down or recuperate.? These beautiful, calming scenes will relax your heart and body.?


“Her” baked bun>Hengchun Old City Wall Gates>Sheding Nature Park>Puding Grassland>”Mary” restaurant>Longpan Park>”Countryside” glass noodles with duck

? 每一天的早晨醒來,最重要的就是來個美味的早餐,先去老街上的賀烤饅頭來一份美味的餐點,感受店內的文藝氛圍,好吃的食物,你可以優閒地待上一個早晨,可能準備你想看的書籍,或者思考未來人生什麼的,既然要放空療傷,我們可以稍微放慢一下自己的步調
 After you wake up, start your day with a tasty breakfast. “Her” baked buns on the old street has an artistic atmosphere and good food. You can stay there in the morning, read some books you like, or think about your future. Take your time during this period of recuperation.

? 吃飽了就是要走一走消化一下,附近有西門城門,旁邊有石碑介紹一些歷史故事,也可以走上城牆俯瞰老街的樣貌,感受這百年老城富有的文化氣息
  To take some exercise after breakfast, you can take the stairs to the top of the West City Wall Gate. Take in the cultural air of this century-old city by reading the historic stories, and gazing down at the old streets.

? 往東岸的方向開始今天的旅程,一路上幾乎是沿著海前行,不管是用什麼交通工具,都很適合戴著耳機聽著喜歡的音樂,頂著藍天,有時候會看見許多特色可愛的民宿,又或者一整排的椰子樹,你會經過好幾個一般人去的景點,但我們不走遊客路線,我們今天是憂鬱文青,看過就可以了
 Listen to music as you tour eastward along the coast, under the canopy of the blue sky. You will see many B&Bs and coconut palms on the way.

???第一個推薦景點是社頂公園,離墾丁大街很近,有一整片的草原,通常人會很少,視野寬闊,看了就想睡上一覺,但還是可以走一走,繞著步道走上一圈有不少美景可以欣賞,適合邊走邊思考自己為什麼而活,我存在的意義是什麼之類的 (這是厭世吧
  The first spot we recommend is the Sheding Nature Park, located near Kenting Road. It is a home of large grassland with a grand view. You will find many other natural sights while walking along the park path.

? 接下來是埔頂草原,這裡最棒的地方就是幾乎不會有什麼遊客,整個草原都是我的,趕快找一個地方躺下睡覺,真心舒服阿,這裡可以當終點了,睡飽了再去吃飯吧 (這是廢物之旅吧,到底多想睡覺
  The next spot is the Puding Grassland, a well-kept secret. The small number of other visitors will give you some privacy. You may take a nap before going for lunch.

? 睡飽了,差不多也餓了,可以到瑪莉小吃店吃點炒飯炒麵之類的,喝杯果汁,這裡也是一個舒服悠閒的地方,店長是一隻可愛的鬆獅犬,叫瑪莉
  Spend your lunch time at the “Mary” restaurant, and have some fried rice or noodles with a cup of juice. It is a relaxing place featuring a dog named “Mary.”

  The famous “Longpan” Park is very close to “Mary.” It has spectacular sea scenery and a special terrain of slumping cliffs. It is really gorgeous! By the way, you can see the sunrise, the starry sky, and even meteors here, but please pay attention to the weather conditions.?

? 怎麼那麼快又要吃飯了!! 從龍磐回來還有好長一段路,回來應該都餓了,鄉村冬粉鴨肉是著名的特色小吃,我最愛來一碗鴨肉飯,超好吃~基本第一天的行程大概就是這樣,如果晚上仍然想找一些活動,龍磐回來的路上可以先去墾丁大街逛夜市,或是到恆春鎮附近的出火景觀區
  It is time for dinner! Glass noodles with duck is one of the famous local refreshments. My favorite food of “Countryside” is “duck with rice.” So tasty! If you want to do something at night, you can stop by the Kenting Road night market, or visit Chuhuo near Hengchun.

★→立刻訂房 ? 為自己來一趟墾丁之旅吧~→http://www.cape42kt.com/room/

?“Here 149” Cafe>Star Sand Bay>Little Bali>Wanlitong>Mt. Gui>”Benchi” food house

  Let’s enjoy something new for breakfast at “Here 149” Cafe. It is small, comfortable, and beautifully decorated. Their food is also unbelievable tasty. I especially like their cold noodles and angel thin noodles.

? 終於到海灘了,西海岸景點有各種不同風貌的海灘,先來一個放空療傷系列海灘一星砂灣,這裡特別小,但舒服漂亮,運氣好的話可能剛好沒別人,就可以獨享整片沙灘,可以坐在小燈塔下當文青,趴坐在沙灘上耍憂鬱,躲在石頭後面哭(哭屁阿
  There are several beaches on the west coast. Let’s go to the Star Sand Bay first. It is quite small, but comfy and pretty.? You may enjoy the whole beach by yourself, or read books under the lighthouse.

? 如果想吃午餐,附近有許多的海鮮餐廳,中餐推薦阿興海產可以GOOGLE搜尋一下,建議前往小峇里島?之前先吃飽,這裡也是一個小秘境,穿過樹林可以來到這片世外桃源,水質非常清澈,可以踩踩水泡泡腳,拍幾張美照繼續前往下一站 ??

? For lunch, there are many seafood restaurants nearby. I recommend “Ashing” sashimi. The next spot is “Little Bali,” a secret place. The water here is so clear that you can paddle in it.

  Wanlitong has a snorkeling area, and an intertidal zone with a coral reef. There are many tiny pools along the coral reef, which are the habitat of intertidal creatures. It is near one of the locations where “Cape No. 7” was shot.?

? ?第二天的終點站很適合來到龜山,這是一個有機會可以獨享日落的景點,注意來的時間每個季節的日落時間不一,爬上來大約需要10幾分鐘,景色也十分漂亮,特別適合早點來放空阿
  The final destination is Mt. Gui, a place where you may enjoy the sunset on your own. Be aware that the sunset time is varies by the season. About 10 minutes are required to reach the top of mountain, where there is a beautiful view.

? 晚上就回鎮上吃這家本氣食堂吧,同樣是有著舒適氛圍的日式小餐廳,食物也是每一樣都很好吃,適合放空一整天疲憊的我們好好的慢慢品嘗
 Let’s have dinner at the “Benchi” food house in Hengchun, a small comfy Japanese restaurant. Their dishes are all quite good, so take a rest and enjoy slowly.

DAY3? 小杜包子>阿伯綠豆饡>歐戀冰品>後灣
“Xiaodu” steamed stuffed bun>”Abo” peeled green bean soup>”Olian” ice cream>Howan

? 早餐吃鎮上有名的小杜包子吧,10種口味任你選,甜的鹹的都有,麵皮Q彈,內餡飽滿,必須吃看看的
  The famous “Xiaodu” steamed stuffed bun is today’s breakfast. There are ten flavors, both sweet and savory. You must try it.

? 玩了兩天東西第三天當然要好好品嘗鎮上的小吃,吃完早飯可以嘗試特色甜點阿伯綠豆饡,有冰的和熱的可以選擇,這一家是創始店喔!!
  After breakfast, you can try the special local dessert—peeled green bean soup, which is served both hot and cold, at “Abo.”?

? 另外炎熱的恆春半島最適合來一碗冰,歐戀冰品的,夏天限定芒果冰有超多又甜的芒果,還有全年供應的洋蔥冰淇淋都是這家店的招牌阿
  When traveling through the hot Henchun Peninsula, you should have some ice cream at “Olian.” The summer mango ice cream comes with a lot of fresh sweet mango. Another specialty is the onion ice cream, served year-round.

  If you want to have a stroll on a beach, the nearest site is Houwan, which is near the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium. It is the only beach with complete sidewalks on Hengchun Peninsula. Look down at the distant sea on the terrace. There are few visitors here, so you will not have much disturbance.



★→立刻訂房 ? 為自己來一趟墾丁之旅吧~




