
Steve&Angela FunTV

Steve&Angela FunTV


縣市地區:臺南市 > 中西區

造訪商家: 赤崁璽樓
一頓難忘的3小時晚餐 @「赤崁璽樓」蔬食餐廳 Chi Kan West House @ Tainan (臺南素食 Vegetarian/臺南美食/臺南蔬食) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV

We were so impressed by the food in Chi Kan West House. If you haven't seen our previous dining experience blog post at the Chi Kan West House, you can check it out by using the following link:?一頓難忘的3小時晚餐 @「赤崁璽樓」蔬食餐廳 Chi Kan West House @ Tainan (臺南素食 Vegetarian/臺南美食/臺南蔬食) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV

Chi Kan West House is more than just a vegetarian restaurant, they are also specialized in making Lacto-ovo vegetarian?pineapple cakes, "Blessing Fortune Longevity?Pineapple Cakes".?It’s good to see restaurants making effort to cater different diet preferences, especially such a Taiwanese signature dessert like pineapple cakes. We were also surprised to find out that Chi Kan West House is actually a hostel as well, so you can actually extend the whole experience from just a meal to an overnight stay.

地址:700 臺南市中西區西門路二段372巷10號
電話:06-224 5179 / 0926-537-191
營業時間:中餐時段 11:30-2:30 晚餐時段 5:30-9:00 (週二公休)

Chi Kan West House (Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurant, Hostel, Pineapple Cake)
No. 10, Ln. 372, Sec. 2, Ximen Road, West Central District, Tainan City, 700
+886-6-224 5179 / +886-926-537-191
Lunch Hour 11:30-2:30 Dinner Hour 5:30-9:00 (Closed on Tuesday)
Facebook Fanpage:?
Official Website:?
Accepting Payments:?
Cash only
The restaurant has 3 parking spaces available, but there are quite a few parking options nearby (see the parking information above).?
We actually parked at Ximen Yuan Huan (Roundabout) that day.

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While having our three hours dinner in Chi Kan West House, I already see the transformation of this beautiful estate from daytime to nighttime. But the fun doesn’t have to stop here, Chi Kan West House Hostel is open for business upstairs on 3rd floor.
With some evening breeze, you can actually sit out the balcony and enjoy a little getaway from the business of downtown Tainan.
Due to Chi Kan West House is an old estate, there is no elevator. In order to get to the hostel quarter, you have to walk up these old fashioned stairs.
The third floor is completely blocked out with glass windows and door, so the hostel guests can have some privacy from the restaurant downstairs.
There are quite a few different rooms on the third floor. Each room has Chi Kan West House signature blue framed glass door and unique overhead decorations.
The common area of the hostel must be my favorite part. I loved the uniqueness of each piece of furnitures, and how they go so well together in their own way. It really gives me a tropical vocation vibe.

The hostel has shared bath/ shower room, but there is plenty of mirror throughout the house! It’s a perfect place for a family reunion trip or large group of friends to stay together.
The details were put into Chi Kan West House are amazing, I feel like I am in a movie set.

While exploring the Chi Kan West House, I finally realized that there is no TV in the entire hostel. TV is usually a must in most hotel or hostel, but I was so busy looking around and totally forget to look for a TV.?
Although the private room section of Chi Kan West House is quite simple and small, but you definitely would enjoy all the natural light through all those pretty windows. You don't want to stay in the room when you are staying at Chi Kan West House, the owner invites you to utilize the common room area, as well as the access to their balcony.?
Each door of the room is decorated differently!
Chi Kan West House also has automatic coffee maker and water boiler available for their guests. You could have a cup of tea or coffee anytime.
I love all the mix and match of the living space. It's definitely a place that would uplift your day.

赤崁璽樓的「福祿壽 鳳梨酥」
訂餅專線 : 06-2245-179?
網路訂購 : https://goo.gl/Z8jLkb

Chi Kan West House's "Blessing Fortune Longevity Pineapple Cakes"
(10 pieces /box)
$500 /box ($50 discount would be applied through phone reservation.)
Made in Taiwan
Order Hotline: 06-2245-179?
Online Shopping:?https://goo.gl/Z8jLkb
「福祿壽 鳳梨酥」藍色的包裝馬上讓人聯想到所有藍色門框和窗框所構成的赤崁璽樓,很有設計感和一致性。
"Blessing Fortune Longevity Pineapple Cakes" comes in a pretty sky blue color. It really remind me of all the pretty sky blue colored door/ window frames in Chi Kan West House.
赤崁璽樓的「福祿壽 鳳梨酥」其實是有故事的,是老闆對自己阿嬤的愛與關懷所研發出的獨家配方,老闆的堅持:「阿嬤不吃的,絕不給客人享用!」,所以對於食材上選擇,當然份外小心和講究。
There is a very touching story behind this pineapple cake. The owners of Chi Kan West House originally created this recipe for their grandmother. They choose the best ingredients and omit all unnecessary additives in order to make?"Blessing Fortune Longevity Pineapple Cakes". Provide something so meaningful and tasty to the customers is their main goal, because they would only serve the food that they serve to their grandmother.
I was so surprised to?"Blessing Fortune Longevity Pineapple Cakes's" ingredient list. It's so simple with wholesome ingredients.?
一打開包裝,馬上可以聞到「福祿壽 鳳梨酥」外層酥皮的濃郁奶香味。
You can smell the crust of the pastry as soon as the package was opened.?
外層酥皮薄薄的,從外觀就可以看到鳳梨內餡若影若現,有別於其他品牌的酥皮,「福祿壽 鳳梨酥」摸起來沒有油膩的感覺,但是形狀卻都可以保持的很好,不會因此而容易碎掉,赤崁璽樓使用法國小麥麵粉來製作「福祿壽 鳳梨酥」,酥皮除了濃郁的奶香味以外,還可以吃得到小麥粉的細小顆粒!
Compare with regular store bought?pineapple cakes,?"Blessing Fortune Longevity Pineapple Cakes" has much thiner crust. Since it's made from wheat flour, you can see some specks in the crust and the pineapple filling peaking through.?"Blessing Fortune Longevity Pineapple Cakes" don't taste oily at all.?
「福祿壽 鳳梨酥」的剖面圖,可以清楚看到土鳳梨的天然纖維,不但有鳳梨的香氣,還有土鳳梨特有的酸甜QQ的口感,酸酸的土鳳梨,增添了一個不一樣的味蕾層次,也讓品嚐的人比較不會膩。
You can see the fiber of the pineapple in the filling inside.?"Blessing Fortune Longevity Pineapple Cakes" have a great balance between sweetness and sourness, and you can definitely tell it's made from wholesome ingredients! With a little sourness in the pastry, you wouldn't feel guilty finishing the entire dessert all by yourself.

P.S. 赤崁璽樓也包括在今年秋冬遊補助的名單中,想要體驗臺南漫遊、不一樣的住宿體驗,真的超級值得來赤崁璽樓住一晚!
Taiwan is known for our pineapple cakes. If you ever come visit Taiwan, please add pineapple cakes to your must buy list! The chewy, sweet and sour pineapple fillings with the flaky crust can be a great snack option for anytime of the day, especially serving with black coffee or tea during the afternoon tea time. With so many pineapple cakes makers in the market nowadays, why not choose the one that actually use the wholesome ingredients without other unnecessary additives.?
Tainan is a city with decades of history, and it's a city that worth spending a few days exploring. Make sure you consider staying at Chi Kan West House, so you can experience a different lifestyle of Tainan living!

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