



縣市地區:臺南市 > 北門區


Taiwan 2020 attractions


Tainan Crystal Church The Crystal Church is located in the Beimen District of Tainan City. It is a large-scale installation art attraction near the Beimen Visitor Center and completed in 2014. Although it is called a church, it is not a Christian religious place. There are no clergy such as priests or priests. It is a non-religious Western-style wedding hall and wedding photography location along with the high heels church. North Gate Visitor Center

The North Gate Visitor Center of the Management Office of Yunjia South Coastal National Scenic Area is rebuilt from the southwestern warehouse group in the old buildings of the North Gate Washing Salt Factory. The appearance still retains the original factory gable roof shape. Wapan salt pan

Beimen Jingzaijiao Wapan Salt Field is located in Yonghuali, Beimen District, Tainan City, Taiwan. It was announced as a historical building on August 24 in the Republic of China (2009) [1]. It is a salt field belonging to Beimen Salt Field. This salt field was called "Sedo Field" in the Qing Dynasty, but it was already a third-generation salt field[2]. It had a history of 182 years when it was abandoned in 2000, making it the oldest salt field in Taiwan [1]. Originally, the salt field was left unused as the Beimen Saltworks was abandoned, but it was reopened for sightseeing. Fan-shaped salt pan

The fan-shaped salt field is located in Jiangjun Kunshali, between the south of the Jiangjun Fishing Port and the north of Qingkun. It was opened by Taiwan Salt in 1975 and diverged into a fan-shaped salt field with the salt workers’ dormitory as the core. It is the most beautiful and distinctive salt field in Taiwan. However, from the development to the mechanized salt drying, it took only ten years. In addition, many salt drying labors were originally short-term jobs. Only during the peak season of salt production would local residents be recruited to assist in salt collection. The salt workers in the district took root and formed generations. After the salt drying was over in 1991, people went to the empty building very soon, and the drying is now abandoned. You must look down from the sky to get a glimpse of the beauty of the fan-shaped salt field.

Chigu Salt Mountain Chigu Salt Mountain is located in the Chigu District and Jiangjun District of Tainan City. It is one of the largest and latest Chigu Saltworks in Taiwan. It covers an area of ??more than 2,700 hectares and produces 110,000 tons of salt per year at its peak. The salt used in agriculture and industry has changed with the times, and the salt drying is not economical. The Chigu Salt Farm was abandoned in May 2002, ending the 338-year history of salt drying in Taiwan. The leisure and recreational era of the Chigu Salt Mountain was opened and transformed into The famous salt industry sightseeing base is the location of one of the eight scenic spots in Xinnanying, "Yantian Jade". Because the salt mountain is as dazzling as white snow, like the Changbai Mountain that has been piled with snow for many years, it is also called the "Changbai Mountain of South Taiwan", and Japanese people who visit Taiwan jokingly call it "Mount Fuji of Taiwan." There are two main salt mountains, the main peak of the salt mountain and the north peak of the salt mountain. The former is an artificial mountain built for the last generation of sun-dried salt from the Qigu Salt Farm. The altitude is 20 meters, which is about seven stories high. The stored salt is about 60,000 tons; the latter comes from Western Australia and is the raw material salt for crushed salt factories.

臺灣2020景點 臺南水晶教堂 水晶教堂位於臺南市北門區,是一個在北門遊客中心附近,完成於2014年的大型裝置藝術景點。雖名為教堂,但不是基督教宗教場所,未有牧師或神父等神職人員駐在,與高跟鞋教堂同為無宗教性的西式結婚禮堂及婚紗拍攝地點。

北門遊客中心 雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處北門遊客中心是由北門洗滌鹽工廠舊建物群中的西南側倉庫群所改建,外觀仍保留著原工廠山牆斜屋頂造型。

瓦盤鹽田 北門井仔腳瓦盤鹽田位於臺灣臺南市北門區永華里,於民國九十八年(2009年)8月24日公告為歷史建築[1],是屬於北門鹽場的鹽田。該鹽田在清朝是稱為「瀨東場」,不過已經是第三代的鹽場[2],其在2000年廢曬時有182年歷史,為臺灣現存歷史最悠久的鹽田[1]。原本該鹽田已隨著北門鹽場廢曬而閒置,但後來為了觀光而重新復曬。

扇形鹽田 扇形鹽田位於將軍鯤鯓里,介於將軍漁港南方和青鯤鯓北方,是臺鹽於1975年開闢,以鹽工宿舍為核心向外發散成扇形鹽田,是臺灣最美且最有特色的鹽田,但從開闢到轉為機械化曬鹽,短短不過十年,加上許多曬鹽勞務原屬於短期工作,只有在產鹽旺季才會募集當地居民協助收鹽,所以並未如臺區與南鹽區的鹽工落地生根,形成世代。91年曬鹽結束後,很快就人去樓空,目前已廢曬,須從空中俯瞰才可一窺扇形鹽田紋理之美。

七股鹽山 七股鹽山位在臺南市七股區和將軍區,是臺灣面積最大、最晚發展的七股鹽場遺蹟之一,總面積有2,700多公頃,全盛時每年產鹽11萬噸,主要供應國內農工業用鹽,隨時代變遷,曬鹽不符經濟效益,七股鹽場遂於2002年5月廢曬,結束臺灣338年曬鹽歷史,七股鹽山的休閒遊憩時代隨之開啟,轉形成為著名的鹽業觀光據點,即新南瀛八景之一「鹽田曬玉」的所在地。由於鹽山如白雪耀眼,像長年堆雪的長白山,也稱作「南臺的長白山」,來臺觀光的日本人則戲稱是「臺灣的富士山」。最主要的鹽山有兩座,為鹽山主峰和鹽山北峰,前者是為七股鹽場末代的曬鹽堆疊出的人造山,海拔高度為20公尺,約相當於七層樓高,堆儲之鹽約六萬噸;後者來自西澳洲,為粉碎鹽工廠的原料鹽。
