

Steve&Angela FunTV



縣市地區:桃園市 > 八德區



前幾個月,「點線麵」讓我和Steve品嚐了五種臺式/日式麵條口味,除了辣醬麵的醬料對我們稍微太辣以外,我們真的很喜歡「點線麵」的冷凍麵條。好東西就要和好朋友/家人分享,我們等不及分享給我們的朋友和家人,結果就和我們預期的一樣,大家都愛上了「點線麵」的麵條,真的要開始團購一下了!如果你錯過我們之前的五種臺式/日式口味的貼文,你可以到這邊看:Dinner in 30 mins with PLN Food's Noodles 花30分鐘,在家吃美味又快速料理-「點線麵」冷凍方便麵/快速乾拌麵- [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV
We are so excited to see the PLN Food introduce 5 new flavors to their frozen noodle collection. There are so many things we love about these noodles:
1. It comes with many flavors from Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese, Southeast Asian, to Italian.
2. It's so easy to make. The noodles stay frozen and can be ready to eat in just a few minutes. 
3. The texture of the noodles is just like freshly made noodles. It's so tasty and you can make it right at home.
If you missed our last blog post about the original 5 flavors, please feel free to go check it out @ Dinner in 30 mins with PLN Food's Noodles 花30分鐘,在家吃美味又快速料理-「點線麵」冷凍方便麵/快速乾拌麵- [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV

What We Eat in A Day 
我們一天吃了什麼?ft. 點線麵 

Italian Tofu bolognese 義大利豆腐肉醬麵 蔬食料理

Clean Your Fridge Meal 南洋綠咖哩麵 剩菜料理

客服專線 :03-371 1379
購物方式 :
1. 消費者可於頂好、愛買、大潤發、大買家購得本公司推出的油蔥乾拌麵、味噌拉麵、烏龍冷麵、辣醬麵、麻醬麵、刀削麵、烏龍麵七款商品。 

PLN Food Co.,Ltd.
Customer Service Line:03-371 1379
FB Fan Page:https://goo.gl/whrcW1
Official Website:https://goo.gl/g8Bdtc
Ways to Purchase:
1. Wellcome, A. Mart, RT-Mart, and Save & Safe all carry most of the products in their freezer section.
2. Online Shopping: 

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Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel

Let me show you how to prepare a yummy and healthy meal in no time at all by using "PLN Food's noodles":

1. 準備食材:因為主食是麵,所以其實任何你喜歡的東西都可以丟進去當作配菜,我喜歡利用這個機會添加多一點蔬菜類!
1. Prepare ingredients: The noodle is already prepared by PLN Food, so feel free to add in any ingredients you like or available to you.
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
2. 整理食材:料理前先把需要洗或切的食材先處理好,這樣開始烹煮時就不會手忙腳亂的。
2. Organize ingredients: Before cooking, make sure you already pre-slice or pre-wash the ingredients. It would make your cooking experience better by doing this.
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel

3. 確定料理的先後順序:我們需要先用熱水把冷凍麵體和料理包解凍,剛好香菇可以一起進去煮。
3. Understand the Cooking Order: By understanding each ingredient, you would know which ones should go first or what ingredients can go together.
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel

4. 開始烹煮:因為今天這個料理不需要爆香,可以先把所有食材放進去之後再打開瓦斯爐。
4. Start Cooking: I added the boiling hot water into the pan along with the frozen noodles, sauce package (the package of the sauce is heat proof), and the sliced mushroom. 
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
In seconds, the noodle from "PLN Food" already broke apart and back into the eatable form.
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
Once the "PLN Food"'s noodle breaks apart, and completely heat through. The noodle can be eaten immediately, this only takes less than a minute.
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
Because the noodle is already cooked, I took the noodles out and let the rest of the ingredients to cook.
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
Once your topping is cooked through, you can pour in the pesto sauce. I love "PLN Food" provides just enough amount of sauce, not too much, not too less.
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
P.S. 加了配菜,可以減低餐點的鹹度喔!
I didn't season the topping at all, so now I gave a little time for the topping to soak up the sauce. 
P.S. The reason I like to add more greens or other topping in the noddles, because it can cut down the saltiness in the dish.
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
I sprinkled some sliced almond in the sauce for a little crunch.
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
Let's turn the heat off!
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
Then I poured the sauce over the noodles. Sprinkle the nutritional yeast on the top for a little of cheesy flavor.
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
Let's eat! The whole meal took less than half hour, and it tasted healthy and yummy.
P.S. Having a little cheese flavor inside the pesto pasta is so important, so feel free add in parmesan cheese or any other kind you like! It really makes a difference on the flavor.
Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel

除了堅果青醬麵, 這次「點線麵」也推出以下四種口味喔!
Beside the Pesto Sauce, the "PLN Food" also comes up with the following 4 different flavors.

Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
經典紅醬麵 Classic Tomato Sauce麵體好吃就不用說了,利用這個QQ的麵條配上義式經典的紅醬,把義大利麵變高級了!這是很正經的蕃茄紅醬,少了一點甜味和一般會在紅醬出現的義式香料,但是可以輕易在烹煮上自己做調整,加一點像是羅勒、奧勒岡、百里香、迷迭香、西洋芹,這些都很對味,也可以直接用半湯匙的砂糖來增加甜味,「點線麵」的醬料通常是希望直接拌進去麵體裡,有時候淋上去,如果沒有馬上食用,會感覺比較乾一點,比較難拌開。烹飪有趣的地方就是可以一邊品嚐,一邊調整味道。
Classic Tomato Sauce is basically the res sauce, the chewy noodles give a new look for the basic pasta. Although I think the sauce could add a little more sweetness and Italian seasoning, but you can always make your own adjustment during the cooking process.

Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
I crumbled the firm tofu in the sauce and let it slowly dehydrate in the oven. The tofu will become a minced meat texture after 20 minutes in the oven. I added the tofu crumble, mushroom and onion in the red sauce to become my own vegan bolognese sauce. You may add a teaspoon of  sugar to increase the sweetness of the sauce, and it tastes so well together. Please feel free to go on our Youtube channel to see how I made this meal.

Italian Tofu bolognese 義大利豆腐肉醬麵 蔬食料理

Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
咖哩叻沙麵 Curry Laksa Sauce Noodle

Laksa is a Singaporean dish. It's really flavorful, spicy and with some coconut milk taste. We don't really eat a lot of spicy food in our family, so I came up with the idea to wrap the noodle inside the spring roll with other vegetables. It really cuts down the spiciness. 

Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
I have to be honest, I actually already made a video for this dish. But the file mysteriously disappeared in my memory card. I was really sad that I couldn't show you guys how I made this.

Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
Inside the spring roll, I wrapped in Laksa noodles, shredded carrot, sliced cucumber, and stir fried shrimps in the garlic butter. It's so refreshing to have this in the hot summer days.

Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
南洋綠咖喱麵 Southeastern Green Curry Noodle我從小就超級喜歡咖喱,什麼口味的咖喱我都愛,看到綠咖喱,我超級開心的,綠咖喱是利用香料和椰奶做出來的咖哩醬汁,「點線麵」的不容易煮爛,放到醬汁中,可以完全吸取醬汁也不會糊掉。雖然有一點小辣,但是是我們還可以接受的範圍,不會吃到滿身大汗,椰奶減緩了辣度,但是很夠味,喜歡泰式咖哩的人,一定會喜歡!
Green curry is one of my favorite curry. The green curry paste is made from many spices and coconut milk, it's creamy and a little spicy. The noodle from "PLN Food" is amazing, it stays pretty chewy texture even if I let it cook in the sauce for a little longer. I like it especially when the noodles are coated in the sauce.

Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
It's really fun and easy to transform any leftover you have in your fridge to new yummy dish by using the "PLN Food's noodles". Check out the Youtube video link below to see how I did it!

Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel

Clean Your Fridge Meal 南洋綠咖哩麵 剩菜料理

Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
蘑菇白醬麵 Mushroom with White Sauce Noodle

White sauce is mom's favorite. I always have to make a big batch of the white sauce at home. Package the sauce in several containers and freeze in the freezer. So we can always have freshly made creamy white sauce any time! We love this sauce so much that we hope there is more!!

Easy Quick Noodle for the Rainy Day 下雨天,在家快速料理 ft. 點線麵 (冷凍方便麵/快煮麵) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angel
The sauce comes in the package is actually enough to make the dish, but we love white creamy sauce so much that we have to add a little more. The noodle is infused with spinach, so it gives some pop of color in the dish. 

What We Eat in A Day 
我們一天吃了什麼?ft. 點線麵 @ 4分57秒

整體上,我們很喜歡「點線麵」的冷凍麵條,他們的技術讓麵條因為快速冷凍而保有新鮮麵條的Q度,重新加熱就可以馬上回到新鮮麵條的口感,烹煮上比泡麵更簡單、更健康。「點線麵」也很貼心依照一人份量包裝,一次只要從冷凍庫拿一個出來烹煮就可以來?!更c線麵」的醬料包有好多種不同的口味,至少10種不同醬料,增添吃飯的樂趣!中英文包裝,讓Steve 偶爾也可以下麵給我吃,哈哈!唯一美中不足的地方,有少數幾種醬料包是屬於辣味的,雖然不是超級無敵辣,但是對我們家來說,已經太辣了,如果可以保持味道,但是辣醬分開包裝,讓消費者可以自行挑戰辣度就好了!
Overall, we are very impressed by "PLN Food". The noodles are very tasty and easy to make. You can cook the noodles faster than traditional ramen noodles. There are more than enough flavors (we had tried 10 different flavors so far) for you to play around in your meal plan. Steve loves the fact that all packages have English translation on it, it certainly becomes more appealing and friendly to any non Chinese speakers. Although we are very pleased with this tasting experience, we are hoping maybe "PLN Food" can have the spicy sauce and regular sauce packaged in different packages in some of the spicy flavors. So the customer would be able to adjust the spiciness on their own. 

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