




縣市地區:臺北市 > 中山區




「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022. 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


今天搭乘北捷中和新蘆線,從松山南京站8號出口,順著松江路直行到四平街左轉,步行約3分鐘就抵達這家位於臺北市中山區四平街40號,將於明天2022年5月24日(二) 全新開幕的的「初面_松江四平店 」,今天舉行試營運餐點試賣,這是初面繼北投石牌店與信陽店,開設的第三家,初面以其「自家熬煮,純心湯麵」的烹調特色,主打番茄、雞湯蘿蔔與爆炒蝦湯三種獨門湯醬,饕客可自選搭牛、豬、雞、蝦肉與菇類的乾湯麵食,與特製咖哩豬、雞肉飯,牛滷飯,店家門前高掛了慶開幕的活動布條,慶祝開幕從5/24 ~ 5/26 舉辦三日限時優惠促銷活動,只有三天想吃又享優惠,手腳要快錯過可惜!


還沒進門,櫃檯的店員便笑臉迎人地前來介紹,讓人一整個如沐春風,推門進入初面_松江四平店 店內,店內裝潢設計跟石牌店循同一品牌logo 、用色模式,給人溫暖明亮的用餐環境,進門靠近落地窗左手邊是迎賓訂餐結帳櫃臺,廚房則規劃在最裡面,中間兩側就是兩人與四人的餐桌椅,照明完善用餐空間收拾得十分乾淨。

「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.

初面_松江四平店 開幕慶優惠促銷活動,等你與好友相偕一起來用餐!2022/05/24 (二)-2022/05/26(四),內容如下
---「凡來店消費主餐+Instagram 追蹤 or Facebook 打卡」,就送全品項半價優惠券(優惠卷使用期限:2022/05/27~2022/06/30)
不只初面_松江四平店 」,「初面_臺北信陽店「初面_北投石牌店同步共襄盛舉,5/23(ㄧ)-6/10(五)

「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022. 

「初麵_松江四平店 」每張桌上都擺放有廣告立牌,最近主打初面辣椒,一瓶NT$120,喜歡吃辣的朋友可以先預訂,圖文對照印刷精美的彩色菜單,以及可以勾選的單色小菜單,菜單裡除了前面提到的麵飯主打外,還有各式特色小菜,讓人看得食指大動!



「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.


「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022. 


「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022. 

接著品嚐的是這一碗由「初麵_松江四平店 」精心烹煮「金鑽牛滷飯」(NT$50/碗),與一般常吃到用豬肉做的滷肉飯不同,這碗用牛肉做的滷肉飯不僅罕見新鮮感十足,擺盤就像藝術作品,橫看成嶺側成峰,高高低低之間,讓人看到了如山水畫般的意境,又拍又看了好久才開吃。店家嚴選美國花筋牛腱心肉,佐以獨門的金針菇與蔥切絲調味,與蒸煮得粒粒晶瑩剔透的米飯,一口拌上吃進口裡,滷牛肉香與米飯香在口中交融,從唇邊到嘴裡瀰漫了整個口腔,好吃到一下子掃光光! 

「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022. 


「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022. 


「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.






營業時間:週一到週日11:00 ~ 21:00

營業電話:(02) 2511-0377

FB粉絲頁 : 初面_松江四平店

IG :trueman_noodle_siping

「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022.「初麵_松江四平店 」(Shrimp tomato noodle, Braised beef on rice and fried chicken), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2022. 


創作者 SJKen的浮光掠影 的頭像

SJKen 的浮光掠影(影評?美食?旅行與創作生活手記)





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