




縣市地區:新竹市 > 東區




Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)  





Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.

加上「享來點」餐廳設計,巧妙融匯臺灣餐廳與日本居酒屋的風格,就成了一家名符其實的臺日混血餐廳居酒屋風格,也彰顯了年輕創業者不斷創新的努力,因為東門市場內的美食餐廳競爭激烈,想要在此拿下一席之地,一定要很努力才行! 因為生意鼎盛前來朝聖的食客眾多,所以不想在現場苦等的饕客,最好提前電話預約到達的時間與人數,或在店家FB 粉絲團預訂,店家才能預留位置,因為店家的餐點都是現點現做。

最近一次是在八月初造訪東門市場,意外發現「享來點」多規劃出一間冷氣房,一開始問服務生,她還一幅客滿要排隊等候位置,我直接跟她說,我才剛從櫃檯拿到點菜單,看到冷氣房裡面好幾桌都是空位,她才放行,當晚我點了這碗「Q貝蝦仁雙拼鮭魚卵滷肉飯」(NT$ 398/碗),端上來時果然讓人眼睛一亮,不愧是超浮誇美食,只是相對於價錢,份量實在不算大。

Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.享來點新竹東門市場店「Q貝蝦仁雙拼鮭魚卵滷肉飯」(Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant) at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.

 這碗「Q貝蝦仁雙拼鮭魚卵滷肉飯」(NT$ 398/碗)端來時,是分成一杯裝滿鮭魚卵的杯,加上一碗包括了蝦仁、干貝、滷肉飯與青蔥,上面還插著店名「享來點」的小旗幟,造型相當吸睛,客人可以自行將滿滿的鮭魚卵倒上Q貝蝦仁雙拼滷肉飯」,頓時就變得更加繽紛多彩! 一碗等同飯店用餐的餐點,用料果然是真材實料名不虛傳!

Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.


Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.

這家位於300新竹市東區東門市場1069號的「享來點東門店」,營業時間從上午11點到晚上21: 30,喜歡探訪傳統市場令人驚豔的超浮誇海鮮美食的朋友,一定要找個時間到新竹東門市場來嚐鮮!

Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024.Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce, Shrimp, Scallops and salmon roe of restaurant at East door market,  Hsinchu city, North Taiwan, SJKen  , Aug 3, 2024. 


營業電話 : 0933-919-977
營業時間 :
週一到週五 11:00 ~ 14:00/17:00 ~ 21:30
週六到週日 11: 00 ~ 21 : 30
創作者 SJKen的浮光掠影 的頭像

SJKen 的浮光掠影(影評?美食?旅行與創作生活手記)





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