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You may have been to Kenting many times. Let’s arrange a more in-depth trip this time. Through an understanding the local communities’ culture and ecology, you will experience a different Hengchun Peninsula /Kenting.
DAY1 龍坑生態保護區>白榕園>夜間賞蟹趣
Longkeng Ecological Protection Area > White Banyan > Night visit to see land crabs
龍坑是恆春半島一個崩崖形成的特殊地形,位於最南點附近,進去需要申請和要有導遊陪同解說,進入之前還要在旅遊中心先集合看影片,風浪越大的時候來這會看見越澎湃的海浪,整個捲上來打在石頭上,水花散開下起鹹雨,有時候浪花太大還會飛散空中有如雪花紛飛般浪漫,還有類似武俠片聳立的山崖讓人可以施展輕功飛來飛去切磋一下,總之滿值得來見識見識,看完以後附近景點也可以順便走一走 申請點這裡
The Longkeng area is a terrain of slumping cliffs, located near the southernmost point. It is required to apply before entering, and you must be accompanied by a tour guide. You will see waves break into foam on round the rocks when the sea is heavy, and the grand cliffs towering above. It is worth a visit. You can also stop by some nearby scenic spots.
White Banyan is still a relatively unknown destination. But if you have watched the movie “Life of Pi,” you’ll remember the fantastic island full of strange creatures similar to monkeys. That scene was shot here. The giant white banyan forms a beautiful forest. It is also required to apply before you enter this area. The daily open times are 9am and 2pm, and the place of assembly is close to Longkeng, so you may stop by that as well if time permits.
You can register for a land crab searching trip at night. The time of assembly is 7pm, and there will be a narrator. The land crabs here are divers and extremely valuable. This is a good activity for kids as it provides some biology education.
★→立刻訂房 ? 為自己來一趟墾丁之旅吧~→http://www.cape42kt.com/room/
DAY2 南仁山生態保護區>夜探梅花鹿
Nanrenshan Ecological Protection Area > Night visit to the Formosan sika deer
另外一個美麗的保護區南仁山,申請方式和龍坑相同,有如爬山的行程,但不是非常高,每個人都能輕鬆征服,記得帶點便當什麼的,攻頂的時候順便野餐欣賞南仁湖湖色風光 申請方式
The beautiful Nanrenshan Ecological Protection Area requires same application procedure for your visit. This trip is like mountain climbing, but it is easy for everybody. Remember to bring some food. You can have a picnic while enjoying the beautiful view of Nanren Lake at the top of the mountain.
The night visit to view the Formosan sika deer is a highly recommended activity. The Formosan sika deer is native only to Taiwan, and was once almost extinct. After successful artificial breeding, we can now see them in the field. In addition to observing deer, you can also see splendid stars studding the sky at the Sheding Nature Park.
DAY3 阿郎壹古道
Alangi Primitive Path
It is along the only primitive coast line in Taiwan without any access for vehicles. You can only enter the path with a narrator, and the whole trip takes an entire day. It is a great, in-depth trip for adventurers.
DAY4 恆春古城導覽解說 >港口採茶品茗遊
Guided tour of Hengchen Ancient Town > Gangkou tea trip
The Hengchun Ancient Town was founded about 140 years ago. The most famous culture-related products are the Yueqin (Moon Guitar), Gangkou Tea, and Sisal Agave, among other wonderful products. The guided tour takes about 1.5 to 2 hours.
The tour guide will take you to see the production of Gangkou Tea, and you also have a chance to taste a hand-made tea bun. There are morning and afternoon sections.
DAY5 後灣社區鹽滷豆花>體驗獨木舟
Salted tofu pudding in Houwan community > Canoeing experience
You can try to make a tofu pudding/tofu or fry sea salt by yourself in the seaside Houwan Community. The salted tofu pudding is made with sea salt and a special brown sugar longan sauce. Very delicious!
The canoeing in Houwan is a new relaxing activity, guided by a coach.
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