




縣市地區:臺北市 > 中正區


Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)



Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019

印象中這區塊原本是沒有任何店鋪的,但當天經過時,意外發現開了一家限期版的「TDH 貓茶町-茶食茶飲體驗舖」,喜歡吃茶製成的特色甜點的朋友,應該聽過這家全臺茶甜點第一品牌的「TDH 貓茶町,創始店開在文山區,還有一家分店開在民生社區內,沒想到還選在華山1914文創產業園區中7C 井室,開了這家限定期間(20191116 ~ 2020429)的茶食鋪與茶甜點,根據網頁簡介,店家將分享臺灣茶葉製成多樣式的茶食,包括現點現泡的茶飲、茶拿鐵、茶霜淇淋、臺灣茶乳酪、茶生乳捲、茶費南雪、以及使用臺灣茶製作而成的爆漿茶丸子、包種茶麻糬串等等。





Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019

另一邊則是古樸小徑,入口有指標,一塊塊上面寫著不同茶飲與茶甜點,一路延伸到店前,還會經過「TDH 貓茶町-茶食茶飲體驗舖」的茶甜點小舖,裡面整齊擺放著裝滿茶甜點的專櫃。

Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019


Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019

到了小徑口右轉就是「TDH 貓茶町-茶食茶飲體驗舖」,設有清楚的店鋪名稱指標,以及茶食鋪與茶甜點立架,以及跟入小徑入口一樣的主打商品木條,讓人一目瞭然!

Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019


Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019


Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019


Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019


Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019


Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019Tea & desserts of the Tea House at Huashan creative park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 30, 2019 




地      址:華山1914文創產業園區中7C館 井室

限定期間 : 2019年11月16日 ~ 2020年4月29日

營業時間 : 週一~週四:11:00AM~7:00PM/週五~週日:11:00AM~9:00PM

官      網 : https://www.tdh.com.tw/

FB粉絲頁 : TDH 貓茶町創始店

華山1914文創園區介紹頁 : https://www.huashan1914.com/w/huashan1914/exhibition_19112215063983622



TDH 貓茶町創始店

地      址:北市文山區保儀路117號(景文高中旁)

營業時間 : 週一至週日10:00-20:00

營業電話 : (02)29376800

TDH 貓茶町民生店

地      址:北市松山區民生東路三段113巷27號

營業時間 : 週一至週日11:00-20:00

營業電話 : (02)27129900



創作者 SJKen的浮光掠影 的頭像

SJKen 的浮光掠影(影評?美食?旅行與創作生活手記)





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